Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Brave New World

When I began blogging a few years back I made the rather naive decision to tell the world. That is, I let many of my friends and family know where they could find me. By doing so, I was immediately restricted by what I felt I could write. From the beginning I edited carefully what I wrote, because I was aware that often what I wanted to write may offend or shock or hurt people’s feelings.

I couldn’t write openly or honestly about a job that I hate, a relationship that was crumbling, about watching with breaking heart as my brother died of cancer, about the crazy talk going on in my head. For someone who prides myself in being honest and straight talking, I found that I had to self edit and honesty was the casualty.

My private fears and dreams, my tears and my anger, my joys and my hopes all stayed running round in my head. I have not been writing openly or honestly for too long and the joy I originally found in blogging has been lost for a while now. And whilst the friends I have made and the support I have received though my original blog have been amazing, the time has come to make a leap.

So this is me and my new blog. Finding Felix. Welcome.

If you are here, then it is highly likely you will not know me. And yet, by stumbling here you will get to see much of the real me in what I write. I hope you come back and I hope you leave a comment so I can come and visit you too. And with a bit of luck I will make many new blogging friends. Because finding felix is all about finding happiness and friends are a big part of that.

It’s 9 past 9pm on the 9th, of the 9th, 2009. It’s a good time to start again.

1 comment:

  1. Oh darling friend, what a great blog this is going to be.

    Your writing is so wonderful already.

    Love Renee xoxo
