Tuesday, October 13, 2009

If I could wish for one thing...

It's today.
His birthday.

I have always loved birthdays.
The celebrations.
The surprises.
The laughter.
The special occasion.
The gathering of family and friends.
The joy of giving.
The cake.

Sharing birthdays with family and friends and celebrating the passing of another year has always been a time of joy for me.

But this time it's different.

Today would have been my brother's 45th birthday. And this year I will not be celebrating, because this year he isn't here, and no amount of candle blowing and making of wishes will bring him back.

So, to my beautiful brother on what would have been your 45th birthday, I love you and I think of you every day and if I could wish for one thing, I would wish that you were never sick and that you were still with us and we could celebrate this day together.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

There is one thing that we all must do

Here's a beautiful Rumi quote I was sent by a blogging friend of mine which is so beautiful I had to share.

'There is one thing that we all must do. If we do everything else but that one thing, we will be lost. And if we do nothing else than that one thing, we will have lived a glorious life.'